Jun 25, 2010

June 20th, 2010 - 1:45 Am

" Dear Mikky,
As you know, my day is coming as expected. Seeing you doing your kindness and what you have to do already makes me more calm and quiet for the 25th. I hope with all my heart to be there in the presence of you all and of my caring and and always helpful fans. I don't want you to cry, and I repeat it one more time, however much it hurts your hearts. I'll be here ready to guide you in the best way, I'll be in your hearts, giving the peace and security you need. Don't forget, I will be present in your hearts and I'm devoted to the love of my fans. Thank you once again, together we can build this chain of love and prosper hope.There will be many tributes to me, especially to my children, and I'll be ready to see them. I want you to live with your hearts in peace. Remember that I'll be in every one of you, please do not cease to love, love as much as you can and everyone.Love breaks any bad barrier and I that is what I'm proposing, especially for my fans, who love me and worship me much. Just this, I only want to say that I'll be here, right next to you all. Some will notice, others not so much, but for those who feel my presence I want you to know that I'll be here to see you smile. I know I'm insisting a lot on this part, but I want you to know that the love and happiness of each of you is very important because it completes me as a spirit of light. I want to see you smiling and remember to listen to my music: "Smile". It's important that you listen to it carefully and realize my message on that lyrics, it's the right one for the best comprehention of you all. Please listen to my music inspired in Charles Chaplin, he was a genius and I have great appreciation for him. Specially on the 25th, I'll be seeing and comforting you, because some didn't accepted it until today. I'll be praying for these people, so that they feel it in their hearts and maybe even come to believe more in my words.Some think I've forged my death, but they are mistaken about this, because I'd never forge my death for anything, not even for my children. I'd never do such a thing, this is awful, to abandon them when I brought them to the world. Therefore, I will be praying and investing more on these people. My farewell here, sending all the energy of the world, and all my love and affection I feel for you all.
Michael "